Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Teoretical exercises firts evaluetion

1. What is strength as basic physical ability? How many types of strength are there? explane them adn give an example of each one.

Strength is the control of resistance we can use it in a lot of things like pick up heavy things,throw,push...
Well there are 4 types of stength: The agility strength, the endurance strength, the explosive strength and the maximun strength.
The agility strength: Is the ability to declareta, control and generate muscle force in a multiplanar environment. Quick changes of velocity and direction to the reaction of movements. Example: a race of relevos and one game >El panuelo< .
The endurance strength: Is the ability to mantain muscular contractionsor a consistent level of muscle extended  periods of time.Example: maraton o a trialon
The explosive strength: Is to produce the maximal amount of force in a minimal amount of time.Example:Cross fit games.
The maximun strength: Is the higgest level of muscle force  that can be produce; the ability of a muscle or an specefic group of muscles to recruit and egane  all mototr units

Resultado de imagen de fotos del juego de la cuerda

2.What is flexibility as a basic physical capacity? What factors depend on?

Flexibility is the ability to make board gestures
There are five factors: age and gender, joint structure, connective tissue, muscle bulck, proprioceptors.
Resultado de imagen de gente flexible

3.-Endurance  is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time, as well as its ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds, or fatigue. It is usually used in aerobic or anaerobic exercise. The definition of 'long' varies according to the type of exertion – minutes for high intensity anaerobic exercise, hours or days for low intensity aerobic exercise.

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